NLT 2017/2018 Brochure

Academy Conversion

For many Headteachers and Chairs of Governing Bodies embarking on the journey to

We aim to take away the pressures that conversion can bring leaving you to focus on the day to day running of your school. Each school will receive £25,000 from the DfE to support the process.

convert to academy status seems a daunting proposition. To support schools with this process we have partnered with Academise UK to provide a comprehensive academy conversion process. Visioning work - Undertaken with Governors, staff and stakeholders to develop your future vision and ethos, curriculum statement and governance arrangements to underpin your re-branding and launch of the new academy.

Conversion Project Management - covers liaison with your legal advisors on land and employment (TUPE) issues, liaison with Local Authority and DfE officers, implementation of internal structures and systems, support with key procurement processes and completion of all project documentation.


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